/* Download and Upload custom styles for default templates - For advanced users only. */ /* Using the classes provided below, user can customise or overwrite default template styles --- E.g, -> fonts(family, size, color), background(image, color, opacity, position) can be set using these classes. */ /* The default template styles can also be customised using the options provided in the SPLASH PAGE. */ /* Please add !important for all the styles. --- E.g, -> .template-wrapper{font-size:1em !important;} */ /*template-wrapper - class is for the entire page - background image, position, opacity can be set here. */ .template-wrapper{} /*header-bar - class is for the top header bar - background color, opacity, height can be set here.header-bar{height:250px !important;background-color: #666 !important;}*/ .header-bar{ height:0px !important; } /* this removes the top banner */ .rectangle{ height:0px !important; margin: 0 auto 0em auto !important; } /* .m-t is the logo image */ .m-t{ height:0px; width:0px; padding:40px; visibility: hidden; } /*Content-holder - class is for the page content - background image, background color, opacity can be set here. */ .Content-holder{} /* this hides the radio button */ .btn-group{ visibility: hidden !important; height:0px !important; } .input-group{ margin-bottom: -15px !important; } /* is for the t&c's box */ .modalDialog{ position:relative !important; display:block !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important; } .modalDialog > div{ margin: 1% auto !important; max-width: 700px !important; min-width: 250px !important; padding: 5px 20px 5px 20px !important } .close{ visibility: hidden !important; } .btn-default{ visibility: hidden !important; position:fixed !important; } /*footer - class as the name suggests is for page footer*/ .footer{}